Therapy Myths & Truths From A Maryland Therapist: Therapy as a Last Resort
A Maryland therapist explores the myth that therapy is a last resort.
Coming back our series on myths and truths about therapy, I wanted to touch on one that I have heard a number times over my years as a Maryland therapist, with a hybrid practice offering both in-person and telehealth visits.
Some people think that therapy is a last resort and/or only for very serious issues—that there needs to be something massively wrong in life for therapy to be a reasonable course of action. And that online therapy is a lesser choice than in-person sessions--basically just better than nothing. The truth is that people come to therapy for so many different reasons, and it doesn’t have to be a last resort. Plus, online therapy can be just as effective as in-person treatment and may have some unique advantages.
What Brings You In?
People come to therapy for so many different reasons, and at all different points in their journey. The myth that it’s kind of the last resort, after everything else has been tried and hasn’t worked, can really prolong the suffering that someone is experiencing. You don’t have to prove that you’ve done enough work on your own to justify getting help. Sometimes folks can think that a therapist will judge them for wanting help for something that “isn’t that bad”. Nothing could be further from the truth (and who gets to determine that anyways??)! If there is something bothering you and interfering with your ability to live the life you desire, therapists want to support you. I wish for everyone to have a sense of purpose and meaning in their life; to have healthy and fulfilling relationships with others; to find as much joy and ease as possible in their bodies; to feel that they belong; to make peace within themselves and treat themselves with kindness. Nobody has to justify seeking support in their desire to work towards any of these things and have support along the way.
Online therapy is Not A LAST RESORT
When someone does make the leap to reach out and seek support, sometimes I hear apologetic justifications for seeking virtual appointments with online therapy, worrying that it’s not as good as meeting in-person. Online therapy is not a last resort—it’s not second best. There are a lot of really good reasons why it may make the most sense for someone—the specialist they really want to work with isn’t really nearby; their schedule is so hectic that they can’t spare the time for driving to and from an office every session; they have health or mobility issues that make it challenging to come in-person; or it just works best for them.
Therapists worked really hard during the pandemic to learn how to effectively connect with clients and provide skilled therapy online. The great news for consumers is that you now have the choice for what kind of sessions you feel work best for you—in-person or online. We, as therapists, know that we can deliver quality care either way so it comes down to what ends up working best for each, individual situation and person.
The Best Time To get Help
There’s a saying that states, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now”. The same is true for getting support or asking for help. It would be great if all of us got the support and help we needed right at the first sign of challenges. But that’s not often the way life goes. But now is still here. We can ask for help and support now, whether our challenges have been with us for an hour or for decades. We don’t have to wait until we have collapsed in exhaustion, after trying every way to do it ourselves. It is not a failure to ask for help. It’s a great service of care to yourself to seek out the resources you need.
A free consultation With A Compassionate Maryland Therapist
If you are feeling stuck or looking for support for your own growth and progress, please reach out. I see folks for therapy and in College Park, MD and provide online therapy in Maryland. You can explore more information about my services as a Maryland therapist throughout the website. Feel free to contact me for a free 15 minute phone consultation.